Powerbuilder Ole Control Microsoft Web Browser
1.3 PENGUKURAN SUDUT Program D3/D4 Teknik Sipil ITS ILMU UKUR. PENGANTAR ILMU UKUR TANAH 2 Pengantar Fakta Konsep Ringkasan Latihan. Jurusan ilmu tanah. PERAWATAN ALAT UKUR TANAH DIGITAL. Sunar Rochmadi. Stat Pengajar Fakultas Teknik UNY. Arsitektur, teknik sipil dan planologi. Tujuan Instruksional Khusus: Mahasiswa mengerti jenis peta yang umum digunakan dalam Teknik Sipil dan kelas orde pengukurannya ILMU UKUR TANAH 2. Ilmu Ukur Tanah sangat penting untuk kehidupan modern karena hasil-hasilnya. Dibidang teknik sipil para insinyur sangat memerlukan data yang akurat. Basic pada Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Ukur Tanah Kelas XI SMK Negeri Pajangan. The PDF file you selected should load here if your Web browser has a PDF.
I am using PowerBuilder 2017 and have created an OLE control (Microsoft Web Browser) with a local html file using Leaflet JS.
When a user clicks on a marker on the leaflet map I would like a reference value (coordinates) sent back to PowerBuilder where the code there can react to the user event.
Update 3: Seeking the reason for the error, I've developed an ActiveX control in C# based on the.NET WebBrowser control and I've replaced the Microsoft Web Browser of my PB app with the new one. It also crashes and only in PB, because in a WinForm application (with the same WebBrowser) everything works fine. I am using PowerBuilder 2017 and have created an OLE control (Microsoft Web Browser) with a local html file using Leaflet JS. When a user clicks on a marker on the leaflet map I would like a reference value (coordinates) sent back to PowerBuilder where the code there can react to the user event. But I can not find the MS WebBrowser control in ole dialog. I use pb 7.0.3 build10135,in win2000/IE6. And when I clicked the tab 'insert control', pb crashed.
My question is how can I get a javascript event to also trigger an event in the main PowerBuilder application?
1 Answer
Microsoft Edge Download

After a lot of investigating I have managed to solve my problem, I added the following code into PowerBuilder, inside the OLE Control's click event:
ActiveElement is the method to use. I obtain the Leaflet class and can identify it is in fact a Marker PopUp that was clicked.