Vray Adv 3.00.08 For 3ds Max 2015

Jul 4, 2015 - Vray Adv 3.00.08 For 3ds Max 2014 – 2015 x64 3ds max Plugins 340 MB. V-Ray for 3ds Max final release designed by Chaos Group is a a. Apr 22, 2015 - Title: Vray Adv 3.00.08 for 3dsMax 2015 (x64). Info: V-Ray for 3ds Max final release designed by Chaos Group is a a professional photo creator.

  1. Vray For 3d Max 2015

Vray For 3d Max 2015


This is a must have update. because 3.00.07 had a number of crashing problem .. looks like they fixed them .. look at the changelog …


Modified features:
V-Ray scene converter: Added option to convert the standard cameras to V-RayPhysicalCamera
V-Ray Quick Settings: Added preset delete button
VRayDistanceTex: Replaced the texmap preview in the material editor slot with a generic and faster rendering one
VRayFastSSS2: Added color mode control
VRayHairMtl: Added light_multiplier parameter
VRayOSLMtl/VRayOSLTex: Added support for tweak parameters tooltips display in material editor
VRayOSLMtl/VRayOSLTex: The default file extension is .osl
VRayProxy: Added support for UV channels with negative indices
Bug fixes:
VRayBPTracer: Fixed a crash in a specific scene
Fixed artifacts in certain situations with irradiance map and area lights with “Affect reflections” turned off
V-Ray: Added “facesPerVoxel” and “oneVoxelPerMesh” parameters to the .vrmesh exporter
V-Ray: Fixed a crash when reading mip-map levels for non-square textures
V-Ray: Fixed a crash when rendering geometry with incorrect faces
V-Ray: Fixed a crash when rendering objects with Linked XForm and motion blur
V-Ray: Fixed a crash when rendering with empty layer as render selection mask
V-Ray: Fixed a crash when switching RT and Production after changing VRayColor parameters while RT is running
V-Ray: Fixed a crash with XMesh having very large surface normals
V-Ray: Fixed a random crash in scenes saved with region rendering enabled
V-Ray: Fixed artifacts when rendering with mapped IOR
V-Ray: Fixed memory allocation for non-tiled bitmaps
V-Ray: Fixed rare crash with progressive image sampling initialization
V-Ray: Fixed rare crash with progressive image sampling and noise threshold greater than 0.0
V-Ray: Fixed Embree rendering on machines with lower versions of SSE support
V-Ray: Fixed export of multiple splines to .vrmesh through MaxScript
V-Ray: Optimized geometry traversing on multi-core machines
V-Ray: Fixed “No GI on other mattes” option
V-Ray: Fixed “Max ray intensity” not working for the first glossy reflection
V-Ray: Fixed rendering of “Matte for reflect/refraction” objects
.vrscene exporter: Added point cloud export parameters
.vrscene exporter: Fixed animation settings persistence between export sessions
.vrscene exporter: Frame range is not written into .vrscene files when exporting animations
.vrscene exporter: The “Strip paths” option now affect VRayProxy objects
V-Ray RT: Fixed color mapping improperly applied twice when sub-pixel is enabled
V-Ray RT: Animated “focus distance” parameter is now exported
V-Ray RT: Fixed the “Make V-Ray RT Animation Preview” command to save images when rendering with VFB
V-Ray RT: Fixed the On parameter support for 3ds Max lights
V-Ray RT: Fixed rendering sequence through animated camera, subsequent frames were wrong
V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed a crash with animated meshes, during ActiveShade session
V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed a crash with animated proxies, during ActiveShade session
V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed an issue causing lights disappearance when moving dynamic geometry during ActiveShade rendering
V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed slow “Compiling geometry” with Forest Pro
V-Ray RT GPU: “Trace depth” parameter is no longer ignored
V-Ray RT CPU: VRayFastSSS2 with raytraced single scattering and Direct light renders differently from production renderer
V-Ray Standalone: Fixed issue with VFB history auto save option always being enabled
V-Ray Quick settings: Fixed non-Quick Settings custom presets handling
V-Ray VFB: Add a #hide keyword to the vfbControl() command to close the VFB after a command is executed
V-Ray VFB: Ability to set the bloom “shape” parameter for the lens effects to larger values that 40
VRayClipper: Fixed include/exclude with grouped objects and hairs
VRayFastSSS2: Fixed incorrect results with raytraced multiple scattering and raytraced single scattering
VRayHairFarmMod: Fixed a crash when rendering multiple hair instances
VRayLight: Fixed artifacts occurring with irradiance map and “affect reflections” in certain situations
VRayLightMeter: Fixed viewport representation in 3ds Max 2015
VRayOrnatrixMod/VRayHairFarmMod: Fixed velocity render element
VRayOSLMtl/VRayOSLTex: Fixed not-working “Open in External Editor” command for 3ds Max 2012 and previous
VRayPhysicalCamera: Fixed undo of “Guess vert/horiz tilt” buttons
VRayProxy: Fixed artefacts when rendering with motion blur
VRayStereoscopic: Render elements were outputting left channel only image files through 3ds Max rendered image window