Contoh Soal Beserta Jawaban Simple Future Tense

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Di bawah ini, kami telah menyajikan beberapa soal yang bisa mengukur sejauh mana kemampuan Anda dalam memahami grammar khususnya simple future tense. Anda pastinya sudah mengenal bahwa tense ini digunakan untuk menunjukan sebuah rencana di masa depan ataupun sebuah kegiatan yang akan dilakukan.
Di bawah ini 10 contoh soalfutureperfecttense dan jawabannya. Pilihlah satu dari beberapa jawaban yang menurutmu paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong.
Contoh Soal Beserta Jawaban Distribusi Frekuensi
- By this afternoon, I … the lawn with a push mower.
will have mowed
will have been mowed
- You … your GMAT score online next week.
Will have seen
will have saw
- The person … probation by January.
will has finished
will have finished
- The manager … the meeting room by twelve.
will have been left
will have left
- Your best friend … help by the time you … her to take part in your wedding.
ask, will have offered
will have offered, ask
- At this time tomorrow, I … to pay off my debts.
will have had money
will have money
- Before you arrive at the station, a hotel room … for you.
will have been booked
will have booked
- All the campers … in their tent before midnight.
will have sleep
will have slept
- By this time next month, my father and I … our family business for a year.
will have run
will have ran
- You can’t meet him at my office at 11. He … to the bank at 10.
Bubble bobble hero 2 free download for pc. will have been gone
will have gone