How To Re Rock Crack In A Spoon

Wet your fingers and slightly drop 3-4 drops of water onto the mixture. Light the bottom of the spoon for ~30 seconds. Scrape the goo together into a ball and put it in the freezer for a couple minutes. If it's still not hard, light the bottom again for ~30 seconds and place back into the freezer. The remaining rock should be good to smoke. Nov 28, 2015 - This is the old school method for making a small amount of crack with no special. Leave the spoon with the crack rock in it to dry on a window sill in the sun. I find its a bit safer and quicker especially if you're a bit shakey.

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How To Re Rock Crack Cocaine


How To Re Rock Crack

Anyone else do this?
You take your crack, throw it in a spoon with water (tap water seems fine, but I bet bottle water would be better), heat it up until the crack melts into oil (and,if you feel like it, stir it around with a straightened paper clip or anything else, just enough to break the oil spot up, then (also optional) pushing the little spots back toward each other). Wait a minute or so until the oil droplets resolidify. (They're not clear anymore.) Presto-bang-o. You just make your crack a bit more pure. (The theory being some of the cut, baking soda gets dissolved in the water.)
Note: the water should DEFINITELY not be acidic when you start (no citrus, vinegar)--unless you plan to inject it (not a good idea anyway).
I never knew about this until the last couple years I smoked, and UTFSE and I didn't see much on this (except one kinda negative thread with some different information). It seemed to work IMO.
Someone in the previous thread said regular street users would never do this. But I learned about it from a homeless friend. And saw others do it to.
So I thought that might be of use. Interested to hear if others have done this, do it differently, have different opinion, etc. Talking about crack is fun.